EMSCULPT® Treatment in Vancouver

        If you are looking for a Vancouver clinic that can help you eliminate fat and tone muscle with effective EMSCULPT® treatments, Skin Matters has you covered.

        What Is EMSCULPT®?

        The EMSCULPT® is the first FDA-cleared body contouring and sculpting machine approved for toning your physique and building muscle mass. The EMSCULPT® device consists of a rubber pad that delivers the equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups or squats in 30 minutes by distributing a high-intensity focused electromagnetic field to stimulate the muscle in treatment areas such as the abdomen and buttocks region of the body.

        How does Emsculpt® Work?

        The EMSCULPT® device works by distributing high-intensity electromagnetic pulses through a rubber pad that gives the effect of having done 20,000 sit-ups in 30 minutes. These pulses stimulate the muscle contractions you want to contour in the abdomen and buttocks while eliminating minor stubborn pockets of fat.

        What Areas Does EMSCULPT® Improve?

        EMSCULPT® treatments can help improve the contour and firmness of your abdominal area buttocks, upper arms, and thighs.

        How Much Does an EMSCULPT® Treatment Cost?

        The cost of your EMSCULPT® treatment depends entirely on the number of treatment sessions you need, the severity of your concerns, and the size of the area you are having treated. Contact the Skin Matters team today to book a consultation and learn more about pricing.

        How Often Do I Need an EMSCULPT® Treatment?

        Patients often require a minimum of four EMSCULPT® treatments and can attend further appointments and maintenance sessions to improve or maintain their results.

        EMSCULPT® at a Glance


        Procedure Length
        30 minutes/session for a minimum of 4 sessions (scheduled 2-3 days apart)
        Recovery Time
        Increased muscle mass lasts an average of 6 months
        High-intensity electromagnetic technology
        Pain Level
        Slight discomfort as muscles contract, recovery is similar to post-workout recovery
        2-4 weeks for initial results, with continued improvement for several weeks past final treatment

        Why Choose Skin Matters for EMSCULPT®?

        Skin Matters strives to provide the best professional medical aesthetic advice and body contouring treatments. We offer the same advice to our patients as we do to our friends and family, offering a carefully selected variety of safe and effective treatment options that we deem appropriate for our patients, such as EMSCULPT®.

        Vancouver’s EMSCULPT® Experts

        Our talented doctors bring with them a combined 55+ years of experience in medical aesthetics, with decades of expertise in clinical medicine and body contouring treatments. The Skin Matters resident EMSCULPT® experts are comprised of medical technicians trained by industry leaders and overseen by our very own in-clinic Medical Doctors, Dr. Cheng, Dr. Liew, and Dr. Yong, who aim to give you the best results in a comfortable clinic setting.

        How Is EMSCULPT® Applied?

        EMSCULPT® is applied using the EMSCULPT® device, which has a rubber pad that delivers electromagnetic pulses to the treatment areas. 

        Benefits of EMSCULPT®

        EMSCULPT® is a body contouring device and technique that is non-invasive but still provides toned results so you can achieve your dream body. 
        Some of the benefits of receiving an EMSCULPT® treatment include:

        • Efficiency. One treatment can target all your desired areas, specifically the abdomen and buttocks.
        • No pain, just gain. EMSCULPT® treatments are painless, non-invasive, and require no downtime - all you’ll feel is the burn of doing (stimulated) crunches!
        • A safe body contouring treatment. The lack of invasiveness means EMSCULPT®is a safe option with few side effects.
        • Permanent with regular maintenance sessions. Your results are long-lasting and can be kept that way with attendance of maintenance sessions.

        Risks and Side Effects of EMSCULPT®

        It is expected that there may be minor tenderness or redness in the area immediately post treatment. However, it is important for patients to know that, in general, some other non-invasive body contouring treatments can result in temporary: 

        • Redness.
        • Swelling.
        • Bruising.
        • Numbness.

        Are You a Candidate for EMSCULPT® Treatment?

        You are an ideal candidate for EMSCULPT® body contouring treatments if you are at a steady weight, practice a healthy diet and exercise, and have realistic expectations during your treatment sessions. Contact the Skin Matters team today to book a consultation and find out if EMSCULPT® is the right body contouring treatment.

        How to Prepare for an EMSCULPT® Treatment

        To prepare for your EMSCULPT® treatment, you should drink plenty of water, avoid eating two hours beforehand, and avoid caffeine and alcohol a day before. The treatment area should be completely clean with no lotion or sunscreen on it, and you should shave the area that is being treated as well. 

        All preparation and aftercare instructions will be discussed during your consultation with the Skin Matters team so you can be best prepared for your treatment and enjoy optimal results.

        Aftercare, Recovery and Maintenance for EMSCULPT® Treatment

        After your EMSCULPT® treatment, you should:

        • Massage the treatment area if it is sore.
        • Stay active to help your body heal faster and burn fat. This will also accelerate and enhance your results.
        • Attend additional treatments or maintenance appointments to keep optimal results.
        • Be patient when waiting to see your results!

        EMSCULPT® FAQs

        Is the EMSCULPT® treatment safe?

        Yes, EMSCULPT®is one of the safest body contouring treatments you can seek out as it is completely non-invasive. 

        How often should you have an EMSCULPT® treatment?

        Most people require a minimum of 4-6 EMSCULPT® treatments to see optimal results, but how often you should receive treatments or maintenance sessions depends on your unique goals and concerns. You will typically receive 4-6 half-hour sessions over the course of 3 weeks, usually every 2-3 days. You may also receive two more sessions 6-8 weeks later.

        How long does it take to see results from EMSCULPT® treatments?

        On average, it can take up to four weeks to see the first signs of your EMSCULPT® treatments, but you will see dramatic improvements within two to three weeks after your final treatment.

        Is EMSCULPT® painful?

        The only pain associated with EMSCULPT® is a soreness in the treatment area that will subside after a few days and make you feel like you just had a good workout!

        Who is not a good candidate for EMSCULPT®?

        You may not be a good candidate for EMSCULPT® if your weight often fluctuates or if you have too many concerns in regard to weight loss or fat deposits instead of just wanting to tone the abdomen and/or buttocks. Contact the Skin Matters team today to determine if you are a good candidate for EMSCULPT® treatments.

        Schedule an EMSCULPT® Consultation Today!

        Please schedule a short consultation to find out how Skin Matters can help you find a solution for your body contouring needs. We are standing by and ready to help you look and feel your best!